Looking back on the first day of class and receiving the instructions for our first blog, I was not as knowledgeable about disabled sports as I am now, after being almost done with this course. When I first started this class, if someone were to ask me, "what do you think of when you hear disabled sports?" and I would have to say that the first thing that came to my mind was individuals who were paralyzed and needed wheelchairs that played sports. I did know about several different disabilities, but people in wheelchairs was the first image that came to my mind. Now, flash forward to a few months later, and I now know the correct way to address these athletes as: "individuals with disabilities," and not as "disabled people." There is so much new information that I have learnt about the Paralympics that I never would have even thought of if I had not taken this class. For example, the different categories of disabilities that there are in order to be able t...